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Will Biden take on neglected Caucasus and Central Asia?
EURASIANET /USA By Joshua Kucera When Joe Biden becomes president of the United States on January 20, he will be surrounded by a foreign policy team with deep experience in…
(geo) ესტონეთის პრეზიდენტი კალიულაიდი: რუსეთის პოზიციის დასუსტება, გაურკვევლობამდე მიგვიყვანს
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(geo) რუსეთი გახდა მესამე ქვეყანა მსოფლიოში ვიდეომეთვალყურეობის კამერების რაოდენობის რიცხვის მიხედვით
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(geo) რუსულმა ,,სპეცნაზმა’’ სცადა იდლიბში შეეღწია
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Outlook 2021: A preview from Central Asia and the Caucasus
EURASIANET/ USA Peter Leonard, Joshua Kucera 2020 was a historic year in the Caucasus, as Azerbaijan launched a war and successfully took back most of the territory it lost to…
Waving Goodbye to the America We All Knew and Loved
AMERICAN THINKER / USA By Ed Brodow My generation believed in the United States. We believed in its respect for the individual, in its Constitution, in its status as the…
An incredibly dark day in Washington
(CNN) usa Chris Cillizza Watching pro-Trump rioters storm and ultimately overtake the US Capitol on Wednesday, my overwhelming emotion wasn’t anger or embarrassment — although I felt both. It was…
(geo) აგარაკი – ბედნიერება რუსულად
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