What will the US send to Ukraine?
BBC / UK The new US aid for Ukraine includes a wide range of military equipment, ranging from 25,000 sets each of body armour and helmets to rifles and grenade…
Russia military ‘struggling’ to conduct operations as losses mount
CNBC /USA Russia is transferring troops to Ukraine from as far away as its Pacific Fleet and is recruiting more mercenaries as it tries to replace lost personnel, according to…
Conflict in Ukraine
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) / USA Background The crisis in Ukraine began with protests in the capital city of Kyiv in November 2013 against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s…
Conflict in Ukraine
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) / USA The armed conflict in Ukraine first erupted in early 2014 and quickly transitioned to a long stalemate, with regular shelling and skirmishes…
The curious case of Russia’s missing air force THE ECONOMIST / UK
The curious case of Russia’s missing air force THE ECONOMIST / UK More than 60 new planes would be delivered to the Russian air force by the end of the…
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(geo) თეთრი სახლი განიხილავს სამმხრივ შეთანხმებას, გამანადგურებლების მიწოდების შესახებ
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(geo) ცუგცვანგი ანუ 6 სცენარი პუტინისთვის
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(geo) რუსეთის დანაკარგი – 3 ტრილიონ დოლარზე მეტი… და ეს მხოლოდ დასაწყისია
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