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Editor-In-Chief (Ukraine)

By Oleg Zhdanov


Remember the saying “rake in the heat with someone else’s hands”? So Ukraine is the “hands that rake in the heat”. The Alliance cannot allow a direct military clash between NATO and Russia, since this will be a blitzkrieg in its favor. And, thus, the image of the enemy for the West will disappear


Europe was already doing this in the early 90’s, when the Soviet Union collapsed. Gerhardt Schroeder put “Yankee go home”as one of the first questions. That is all — NATO is no longer needed, there is no longer a threat, and therefore the United security forces of Europe are enough. However, these statements led to the fact that bill Clinton launched a war in Yugoslavia, got there with NATO troops, ousted the UN, and in the next election Schroeder lost the seat of German Chancellor.


Therefore, the image of Russia as an enemy that is opposed by NATO must be preserved. And since there should be no direct contact between the Alliance and the Russian Federation, we have found a state that is really at war with Russia. NATO scares Europe with this example: “do you See what is happening in Ukraine? There’s a war there. And you have to pay for security, so please put 2 percent of GDP on the table.”


The Russian Federation is told otherwise: “Do you want to expand to Europe? First sort things out with Ukraine. When you pass this thousand kilometers from the Eastern to the Western border of Ukraine, relatively speaking, from Kharkiv to Lviv, then we will talk to you.”


At the same time, the United States is well aware that Russia is currently not able to conduct a long-term military campaign, especially on a large scale. It can land a contingent, but it is unlikely to land more. A vivid example of this is Syria and Libya.


Therefore, our role remains unchanged — to be a buffer zone, a country that really deters the military aggression of the Russian Federation.: Ukraine for the US is the hands that rake in the heat.

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