(GLAVRED, Ukraine)
Andrey Golovachev
In two months, the us will hold presidential elections, the results of which are very likely to start a civil war in the country. More precisely, the American civil war has already begun, blood is flowing in many major cities, and the number of people killed has already reached hundreds. But it’s all flowers. After the election, there will be an adult massacre. Everything is ready for this.
It is clear that whoever wins the election, the opposite side does not recognize them. In many States, the election results will be contested, will begin mass protests, arson, robbery, murder, etc. But most importantly, after the elections, the civil war will go into its hot phase with the use of firearms. Not for nothing, everyone notes that sales of weapons have increased several times in recent months. The people are arming themselves on the eve of November 3.
The election will not solve anything, as many Americans hope. And they can’t decide anything. Civil strife in the United States has reached a point where elections not only do not solve anything, but, on the contrary, elections accelerate the process of splitting society and make it irreversible.
Will the US break up after the November 3 election?
No one knows. Maybe they will break up, or maybe they won’t yet, and the inevitable breakup will happen later. This process is random and depends on the specific alignment of numerous factors at a particular time. Much will depend on the political will of a trump. For example, will he be ready to put down riots with an iron hand or not?
But one thing is clear: America is rapidly rushing to its catastrophe on November 3. It will be a disaster if trump wins and the left along with the blacks rise up. It will be a disaster if the senile Biden wins, because frostbitten socialists will come to power, who will quickly plunge the country into the abyss of social populism and quickly finish the country.
But November 3 will mean a disaster not only for America, but for Ukraine. After the trouble starts in the United States, Russia will have nothing and no one to stop it from cracking down on Ukraine. The United States will no longer be able to help us — they will be busy with their own survival. And there is no one else to rely on. Well, not in Europe of course! And this chance Putin, of course, will not miss.
Before” resolving “the issue with Ukraine, Russia will first “resolve” the issue with Belarus. Russia seems to have already “resolved” the issue with Belarus. The sluggish reaction of the EU and the US to the Belarusian protests leaves no doubt about this.
Next up is Ukraine. The Western world has once again proved a well-known football truth: “If you don’t score, they score for you.” The US did not finish off Russia in 1990, when it could easily have done so. Well, now Russia and China will watch the collapse of the Western project. So the barbarians once watched with wonder, horror, and malice the collapse of the Great Rome.
And in conclusion I will quote Abraham Lincoln: “The US will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedom, it is only because we have destroyed ourselves.”